Population 436

Population 436 is a 2006 mysteryhorror film starring Jeremy Sisto, Fred Durst, Peter Outerbridge, and Charlotte Sullivan.

During his stay, Kady notices a number of increasingly strange things about the town, people acting awkward, and strange. People make vague allusions to the fever, and several residents treat him as though he were not just a visitor, but has moved to Rockwell Falls permanently. His research reveals that the towns population has remained at exactly 436 for over 100 years. People who try to leave Rockwell Falls seem to meet with bizarre and deadly accidents, or just vanish, which the residents believe to be the work of God. Kady also begins to have eerie dreams about a truck, a cross and a doll.Kady becomes romantically involved with Courtney Lovett Charlotte Sullivan, a local woman and the daughter of his host, much to the chagrin of Caine, who is also in love with her. He also befriends Amanda, a young girl whose father was killed trying to escape from the town and who is being held at the clinic of Dr Greaver, the town doctor, on the pretext of treating her for schizophrenia. Courtney and Amanda both express a desire to leave the town, but are afraid of the consequences of trying. ........

Source: Wikipedia